Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

Moisture 81.8% Protein 0.5%
Fat 0.1% Minerals 0.5%
Carbohydrate 13.7% Vitamin C 600 mg
Calcium 50 mg Phosphorus 20 mg
Iron 1.2 mg
>Calorific Value - 48 (values per 100 gms)
>Small amount of Vitamin B complex
Origin and Distribution

The Indian Gooseberry is indigenous to India. it is used as a valuable medicinal ingredient in India from time immemorial. It is used by Ayurvedic physicians and Hakims of Unani medicine also use it very commonlyand regard it as a good medicine for heart and bodily defects. It is grown as a commercial crop primarily in Uttar Pradesh. It is also grows wild at the foot of the Himalayas and at elevation upto 1,500 metres in South India. The tree flowers in the spring and fruit ripens in the winter.

Natural Benefits Of eating Amla

The vitamin C value of amla increases further when the juice is extracted from the fruit. The dehydrated berry provides 2428 to 3470 mg. vitamin C per 100 grams. when dried and turn into powder, it retains as much as 1780 to 2660 mgs. of Vitamin C.

  • Fresh Gooseberry

The fresh fruit is light, laxative and diuretic. A tablespoon each of fresh gooseberry juice and honey mixed together forms a very valuable medicine for the treatments of several ailments.

  • Dry Powder

It should be taken every morning. Its regular use will promote vigour in the body within a few days. When fruit is not available dry powder can be mixed with honey.

  • How can be Taken

The best way to to take it, with the least loss of vitamin C is to eat raw with a little can be used as vegetables, pickles and marmalade.

Amla For Various Diseases

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