Beet Root (Chukander)

Moisture 87.7% Protein 1.7%
Fat 0.1% Minerals 0.8%
Fibre 0.9% Carbohydrates 8.8%
Calcium 18 mg Phosphorus 55 mg
Iron 1.0 mg Vitamin C 10 mg
>Calorific Value - 43 (values per 100 gms)
>Good amount of Vitamin A & B and small amount of Vitamin B complex
Origin and Distribution

Beet is believed to be a native of the Mediterranean region of Europe or around West Asia. used as a vegetable for the last 2,000 by early Greeks and Romans, now cultivated in the Caribbean, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Central, East and West Africa. In India it is cultivated for its nutritious roots.

Natural Benefits Of Eating Beet Root

This is good for health, contains carbohydrates, mainly in the form of sugar, little amount of protein and fat. They are widely used in salads and in the preparation of pickles and chutney. They are also baked like potatoes or boiled, steamed or cooked.

  • Vegetables

The leaves, like all green vegetables, should be cooked with a small amount of water and for only a short time. The fresher the beets, the better the flavour and the quicker they cook.

  • AS juice

The beet juice is considered as one of the best vegetable juice.It contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, iron,copper, vitamin B1, B2, niacin, B6, C and P.

  • Rich in Carbohydrates

This juice is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, but the calorie content is low, contains amino acids that are good in both quality and quantity.

Beet Root For Various Diseases

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