Lime (Niboo)

Moisture 84.6% Protein 1.5%
Fat 1.0% Minerals 0.7%
Carbohydrates 10.9% Vitamin C 63 mg
Calcium 90 mg Phosphorus 20 mg
Iron 0.3 mg
>Calorific Value - 59 (values per 100 gms)
>Small amount of Vitamin B complex
Origin and Distribution

Limes are genrally mistaken for lemons, but they represent two varities of the same genus, the two main groups of lime are sweet and acid limes. The sweet limes not considered to be of high nutritive value, Acid or sour limes, on the other hand cultivated on a great scale for food and medicinal properties. The two most popularly known varieties are Pati and Kagzi niboo
The lime is believed to have originated in India, where it has been grown since remote times.It has since spread throughout the tropics, where it is the most commonly cultivated species of the acid citrus.

Natural Benefits Of eating Lime

Acid limes are excellent source of free citric acid, natural sugar, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. It is generally used for its juice which is taken in various ways. It is often mixed with cooked pulses, soups, sauces and gravies to make them more tasty and palatable.

  • Used in Salads, Preparation of Lemonades, Squashes, Jams

The juice of fresh limes is being used in medicine from ancient times in India. In vedas, lime has been mentioned as a sacred fruit. Cutting limes after reciting certain Mantras is considered an effective method for driving away the evil spirits.

  • Used for Medicinal Purposes

The rind of the fruit has medicinal properties. It contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind.

  • Precautions

Limes should not be used in excess, excessive use can cause the formation of renal calculi. excessive sucking of fresh lime is also bad for teeth as the acid damages the delicate enamel of th teeth and make them sensitive.

Lime For Various Diseases

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