Barley is fourth important cereal crop in the world and sixth in India.It is very nutritious and an excellent body-builder.
Rice is the main source of calories and the principal food of many millions of people.
Maize is the most important cereal in the world after wheat and rice.It is chiefly liked for its high sugar content.
Wheat is one of the most common cereals used throughout the world, valuable and good source of energy.
Bengal gram is one of the most important pulses in India. It is consumed in the form of whole dried seeds and in the form of Dhal.
Black gram is one of the most highly prized pulses of India.It is an erect, sub-erect or trailing, densely hairy annual herb. The tap root producers a branched root system with smooth, rounded nodules. The pods are narrow, cylindrical and upto 6 cms. long. It is the most nutritious of all plants.
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