Vegetables Having Medicinal Benefits.

Mint (Pudina)

Botanical Name : Minthe spicata

Mint is a popular spice, used extensively in Indian cooking. It is an erect, branched perennial herb with underground modified stems.

Onion (Piyaz)

Botanical Name : Allium cepa

Onion is a pungent edible of the lily family, is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables.

Potato (Alu)

Botanical Name : Solanum tuberosum

The potato is the most popular and widely used vegetable in the world. It is an annual plant, producing swollen underground stem tubers.

Radish (Muli)

Botanical Name : Raphanus sativus

The Radish is one of the most commonly used vegetables in India. It is an hairy annual herb

Soyabean (Bhat, Soyabean)

Botanical Name : Glycine max merr

The soyabean is one of the most nutritious foods. It belongs to the family of legumes or pulses and is one of the earliest crops cultivated by man.

Spinach (Palak)

Botanical Name : Spinacia-olerecea

Leafy vegetable with broad green leaves.It ranks high among all green vegetables, The leaves are cooling and very high nutritive.

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